Explore. Innovate. Succeed.
Welcome to Potato Days UK – made by the DLG – organisers of the world’s major agricultural events and shows, including AGRITECHNICA. We are excited to be supported by potato industry expert partners to bring this exciting and internationally recognised event to the UK for the first time in 2024.
Potato Days UK is a field days event where the complete potato production and supply chain is on show. Combining trade stands with crop plots, expert talks and discussions with live machinery demonstrations, it is a unique opportunity to explore the latest innovations and developments in the sector at first hand. Although new to the UK, Potato Days is part of the well-established Potato Europe family of sector-specialist events.
Building on our unique industry experience and network, Potato Days UK is an event that will support farmers, growers and the wider value chain to succeed, through sustainable potato production to meet the increasing demands on the sector. Our aim is to create the essential platform for industry professionals to meet, share knowledge and see the latest machinery and technology in action.
Potato Days UK. By Farmers. For Farmers.

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Purpose built event at a new location

Taking place on 4 and 5 September 2024 at Dyson Farming’s Nocton Estate, near Lincoln.
This exemplary farming business will host Potato Days UK. Find out more about Dyson Farming
Potato Days UK will occupy a purpose-built indoor hall and outdoor show space for stands, static machinery displays and features.
We’re growing over 12 Ha of potatoes for harvesting demos that will take place on both days as well working displays of handling and loading equipment.
In addition, specially planted exhibitor trial and demo plots have been planted to display new products and ideas for the sector.
Find out more about the Potato Days UK site and Nocton HERE.
Expert advice and technical forums

Potato Days UK will host a knowledge exchange programme with technical information, market and policy intelligence provided by industry experts.
Our overarching theme of Sustainable Productivity will cover the whole supply chain with a focus on innovation and technical developments. Leading manufacturers will share their ideas and we’ll also be hearing about the latest research and from start-ups in the sector.
We are excited that the University of Lincoln, UK Food Valley and Dyson Farming Research are leading this programme, which you can find here.
BASIS & NRoSO Points are being offered at Potato Days UK.